The Most Advanced
B2B Search Engine Ever Built

Find leads that look exactly like your closed won using
superpowered filters you won't find anywhere else.

The Most Advanced B2B Search Engine Ever Built

Find leads that look exactly like your closed won using superpowered filters you won't find anywhere else.

Get These Insights On Your Closed Won

Free with a Salesforce or Hubspot login.

More Companies

4x more than LinkedIn. 2.5x more than ZoomInfo.

More Contact Coverage

Emails and phone numbers sourced and ranked across 4 different providers.

More Ways To Find Your ICP

Search by any keyword, technographics, funding, or let Quick Leads take the wheel.

Search with

zero compromises

Like it or not, it's a numbers game. And LeadGraph's got 2.5x more of them than ZoomInfo.

Narrow 250 million global companies down to your perfect ICP using both familiar and advanced enterprise-grade filters.

Prioritize your

closed won lookalikes

Every lead is scored by how similar they are to prior closed wons.

LeadGraph AI explains why they might be a fit and even tells you which customers they're most alike.

Get from 0 to 100

in a single tab.

Revenue, headcount, office locations, and funding rounds.

Other tools call it intelligence. In LeadGraph, that's just half of the Overview section.

Research customers and partners. Engage your contacts with relevant recent events. Qualify leads by the technology they use. It's all here in one tab.

And then
there's contacts

A familiar workflow, improved in all the right places.

Customer Solutions Sales

Tired of guessing 10 iterations of the same title? We are too. So we fixed that.

Emails Sourced 4 Ways

Why settle for the one provider that probably works when you can get 4?

Filter By Recently Hired

Engage buyers and decision makers when it most matters to them.

More Social Than LinkedIn

LeadGraph AI also links Twitter, Wikipedia, Facebook, Angel List, and personal websites.

Export to CRM or CSV

Make a list, heck make several, then export both company and contact data anywhere you like.

More Power Under the Hood

There's a lot more to LeadGraph than meets the eye. Reach out to access more precision.

Find Leads Just Like Your Closed Won

Get started with your personalized onboarding today